Base price: $12.
1 player.
Play time: 10 - 15 minutes.
BGG | Board Game Atlas
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Logged plays: 4
Full disclosure: A review copy of Fishing Lessons was provided by Button Shy.
These next few weeks are kind of weirdly juxtaposed, for me. I ended up playing a bunch of solo games and a bunch of party games, and I guess that's what we're reviewing! So we've got games you play by yourself and games you play with everyone else. Naturally, there's always the high probability that I tweak the ordering of review releases, so you might not necessarily see Solo and Party Game Week on What's Eric Playing?, but please remember that I had to bounce back and forth between solo games and party games and that's just a weirdly surreal writing experience. Anyways, onto the first or last or middle one! I usually try to release them in writing order, but I'm capricious by nature. This week, it's Fishing Lessons, from Button Shy!
In Fishing Lessons, you're spending a day on the lake thinking about the late patriarch of your family. Before he passed, he always loved to take you fishing, and now you'll have to remember what he taught you and string it together to catch the right fish for a successful fishing trip. That said, you never quite know what you're going to find in the water, and you need to decide how much of a challenge you're looking for, but you've got a lot of lessons to choose from. Will you make the big catches you want?
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