Base price: $18.
2 - 4 players.
Play time: 15 - 30 minutes.
BGG Link
Buy on Amazon (via What's Eric Playing?)
Logged plays: 2
Full disclosure: A review copy of Critters at War: Flies, Lies, and Supplies was provided by Arcane Wonders.
Alright, wrapping up a long weekend and, as always, I'm a bit behind. Sitting out at a friend's board game night to take some time to write isn't my favorite way to be social, but it's always a nice way to just take a break and reassess what's going on within the game that folks are playing. They're playing The Crew, right now, which only seats five, anyways, so I'm happy to watch and play a bit of The Crew on Board Game Arena at the same time. We live our best lives. For this review, though, let's focus the player count down a bit to two players and check out a sequel to Critters at War: Flies, Lies and Supplies!
In Flies, Lies, and Supplies, new theaters of war have opened up to you: Intelligence, Diplomacy, and Economics. With new theaters of war come new ways to make an impression and take control of those theaters for your side. Manipulate, target, and even assassinate your way to the top by playing cards to each theater to slowly weight that side towards you. With new Supply Tokens, you don't even need to necessarily play cards to control a theater! You can instead place Supply Tokens on your side of the board with certain card effects. Beyond that, you can even engage further by combining Flies, Lies, and Supplies with the original Critters at War: you can use any combination of three theaters and their relevant cards, for instance, or you can play an epic game with five theaters in play. Which way will the winds of combat blow?
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