Thursday, September 12, 2024

Social Good Summit 2024: Your Speakers Revealed

Are you ready to #BeTheChange?

Speakers revealed for Social Good Summit 2024

It's six weeks to go before our Social Good Summit 2024 and we're excited to unveil our speakers!

We have been holding this summit since we launched in 2012. For this year, we are having another jam-packed program. 

Mark your calendars! SGS is happening on October 19, 2024, Saturday, from 9 am to 6 pm, at the Teresa Yuchengco Auditorium in De La Salle University, Manila.

We bring together critical voices for conversations and workshops about a topic we never tire of: how technology can help solve the world's most pressing issues.

Education has been a big topic this year, and one important to our community. That's why we've asked Education Secretary Sonny Angara to deliver a keynote address on how he aims to address gaps in our basic education system.

How will the education department use technology to fill in gaps and find innovative responses to challenges? Angara will join a panel discussion about this with two experts: professor Maria Mercedes Rodrigo of the Ateneo Laboratory for the Learning Sciences, and Save The Children Philippines CEO Atty. Alberto Muyot. The panel will be moderated by Rappler CEO and 2021 Nobel laureate Maria Ressa.

Artificial intelligence, big tech, and their impact on society is another focus of the summit. Meredith Whittaker, president of Signal Foundation, developer of the Signal app, will share her experience standing up against surveillance capitalism in a panel called "Tech and its harms." She'll be joined by disinformation expert Camille François who co-leads the AI & Democracy Innovation Lab. 

GenZ Filipinos are turning to short vertical video platforms as sources of news and information. Four content creators share how they harness the power of this medium to champion causes and raise awareness about pressing issues – Arshie Larga, Lyqa Maravilla, Jo Sebastian, and Buji Babiera.

Our last plenary session gathers four mayors of major Philippine cities to talk about how they govern to improve quality of life in Philippine cities. Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte, Muntinlupa City Mayor Ruffy Biazon, Isabela City Mayor Sitti Hataman, and Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong will share their challenges and experiences. They'll take questions from the audience and from Rappler partners.

Online marketplaces and other digital tools have been a boon to many entrepreneurs. Lazada Philippines commercial director Michele Dela Cruz will show how tech has affected women-led micro, small, and medium enterprises.

Aside from the plenary talks, there will be two breakout sessions designed to be interactive and hands-on.

Two breakout sessions will happen simultaneously at 2:30 pm to 4 pm. 

One session is focused on AI and its impact on elections and truth tellers. Hear from Commission on Elections chairperson George Garcia, Information and Communications Technology Undersecretary Jeffrey Ian Dy, TV5 news anchor Ruth Cabal, and Movement Against Disinformation lead convener Atty. Rico Domingo.

The other breakout session will be about climate resilience in Philippine cities. Participants will take part in a placemaking activity after a panel discussion including Office of Civil Defense Administrator Ariel Nepomuceno, University of the Philippines Resilience Institute's Dr. Mahar Lagmay, Quezon City Assistant Administrator for Operations Alberto Kimpo, Placemaking Pilipinas' Elijah Go Tian,'s Elton Evidente, and Ilog Pasiglahin's Jayson Villeza.

Join our summit to take part in these conversations, and shape how we use technology for social good. Interested in attending? Here's how.

You can attend SGS for free with our special Rappler+ promo! Subscribe for an annual Rappler+ membership anytime from September 8 to October 8 and get a free ticket.

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