
Published By: Nifty Games.

Platform Available On: Android.

Reviewed on Android - Samsung Galaxy mobile.


Collect your favorite NFL players to build your unbeatable football team. Challenge your opponents in quick 5-minute head-to-head matches. Compete against your friends to rise up in the leaderboards. Rush your way to victory and dominate the game with your very own NFL team!

Features include:
• Featuring 120+ of your favorite NFL players!
• Build your own NFL team to dominate opponents
• Challenge live players in real-time PvP sessions
• Acquire new players and collect trophies with every victory
• Climb the leaderboards and earn bragging rights by beating your friends.


I rarely get to take a look at mobile games but as the site says I like to cover all platforms as I am a believer that gaming is gaming no matter what the platform is. Being a big American sports fan or follower from the UK I enjoy playing games within this sporting genre.

If you have played any deck building game then you'll probably be at home here, think of the gameplay similar to Fifa Ulitmate Team or MyTeam if you've played NBA 2k22. You pick cards and collect a team good enough to compete at the top against the better opponents.

Yes the game is a free-to-play or freemium title which means that you are "encouraged" to buy in game items such as gems and coins or chests, but as with most mobile games this is pretty much the norm and it is a choice you can still enjoy the game with out spending much or any real life money.

The game is good to play alone on the commute or killing a bit of time on the dinner break, you can also take part in special events when you have to play out scenarios such as you are down in the 4th quarter and you must come back to win, I personally found this mode alot of fun to play and you can unlock some pretty good rewards. You also have the option to challenge live players in real time multiplayer mode which again is alot of fun, this would maybe be better played over WiFi connection unless you have a decent 4G + connection and good data allowance.

Overall if you are an NFL fan then this does have alot to offer, with it also being free you may aswell give it a go.

Graphics and Sound

The graphics aren't the next gen quality you're probably used to now playing your new super consoles but they are certainly good enough to have a good game on mobile. The game is licensed so you do get the authentic feel with team names and players, yes you can have Josh Allen (aka god) throwing rockets down the pitch.

The soundtrack is OK again it's a mobile game so you can't expect big productions. In game the sound effects are good enough to enjoy the game, you have to take into account you're not playing Madden here so bare that in mind before making comparisons.


To summarise my thoughts on Nfl Clash an overall decent free-to-play game to play on the go, probably not a game I'd put my controller down for but still a game that's good to have to hand when your put and about or even in the bath (if you drown your phone don't blame me).

Verdict-Out of 5🌟



I give Nfl Clash a good 4🌟 score, a good NFL experience to have on the go, yes you get a better experience if you put money into it (the nature of free-to-play) but you can still enjoy without doing so.

Grab your copy of Nfl Clash on Android or Apple now through your relevant app store.

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